"I helped change the world."

His generation faced the opportunity, and historic responsibility, of a lifetime. All I could say was, "Thank You!"
He pointed to a picture and said, "I was a part of that. I helped change the world."
Wow! How amazing is that—to look at the world around you and know you've made a difference?
You see, there will be a day when someone will look back on the lives that have been changed at Access Church and ask you, "Did you help make that happen?" And you can either say, "Yes, it was crazy. It was a risk. But we trusted God and we gave time and money we weren't sure we had, and we watched God do amazing things." Or, you can say, "Well, we were right there... it happened right in front of us... but we just weren't sure, so we let others lead the way."
We believe that someday we will say, "We allowed God to use us, to literally change the world around us."
I'd love you to be a part of that. I would love for as many of you reading this as possible to make a strong pledge to the RoadMap campaign on December 16, and to fulfill that pledge by the end of the month. There's still room for another 30 families to jump in at all pledge levels. Don't miss your chance!
Pledge cards are available at the information desk on Sunday, or you can email or call.
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