Fantastic Day!

Our production team blows me away every Sunday. They are some of the most talented people that I have worked with and all remain humble and absolutely passionate. Great job today!
Let’s see… what makes today fantastic? We were setup early. We got done with rehearsal in plenty of time. We used the extra time to troubleshoot a problem. And, the services went really well.
That’s just the start. The worship content was great too. We started with Charlie Hall’s Running With Your Heart (Thanks Danny Dukes for learning this). This song just sums up the series we’re in. It was awesome.
We introduced our new part-time youth director, Brian Reese. Welcome, Brian!
Then, Andy’s message was fantastic. I love the Imagine series, and every time I hear it I get more and more excited about Access Church.
Finally, the people today were fantastic. We had great energy in the room both services. During the second service, I had tears in my eyes as worship happened. I looked around the room and saw outsiders who have shown up again after being invited since before Access started; I saw a grandfather and grandson worshiping side by side – amazing; I saw one of workers who volunteers her Sundays at UNF to work in worship the whole time and totally worshiping; lastly, the rest of the crowd was just very responsive to worship.
From there, I went to UpStreet and loved watching the elementary kids worshiping God in their environment. One of my volunteers pulled double duty and helped lead worship. It was great to hear and watch the kids praising God.
And, we tore down and loaded the trailers in what I think was record time. Fantastic day.
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