RoadMap Update

The RoadMap campaign has had me examining scripture more and more to see what God has to say about money. There are some instances where God's people rallied to raise specific amounts of money for a specific project (rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem or building the temple, for example). But mostly when God talks about us giving our resources, it is in terms of priority percentage giving. In other words, before we get too impressed with what we gave, we should compare it to what we kept. Ouch. Regardless of where we fall on the net-worth scale, that's pretty convicting.
We have to keep talking about money in 2008. It's necessary to insure this baby church reaches financial independence. But we're going to change our tone a bit. Instead of setting specific financial goals for 2008, I want to shepherd us as a congregation to think in terms of percentage. It seems like that is the way God wants us to view our giving. Pray about it!
There is no way to adequately express our gratitude to all of you who gave throughout 2007! You have leveraged your resources for something tremendous. Thank you!
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