So Grateful

When Access began, there were just a few families in Jacksonville that were supporting Access with their God-given dollars. We were largely dependent on visionary giving from those in Atlanta with a passion for creating environments for those far from God.
As the months have gone by, more and more couples, singles, and even children have come on board with their giving. In fact, 12 new couples and singles have started giving to Access on a regular basis since January of this year. That is significant!
It's not just about the money... it's about buy-in. It signifies more and more of you who get the vision and want to see this church impact our city!
This month our regular giving (money received by mail and Sunday giving) reached a new high! I can't say strongly enough just how excited we are about this!
It's not just about the money... it's about you making very personal sacrifices to support the future of Access Church. I could tell you story after story of families who have chosen to forfeit their family vacation or delay the remodeling of their kitchen because they are willing to give generously back to God and see if he might, just maybe, do something amazing with it!
Stephanie and I are giving, too. I don't say that to boast, but I think it's important you know that we're not asking anyone to go where we're not willing to lead. We've made some financial choices this year that have been difficult... but we don't regret it one bit! We can't wait to see how God invests our finances in the lives of those you're inviting!
Have I told you lately how much I love pastoring this body of believers?!!?
Keep going, Access! Financial independence in 2008 is just around the corner!
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