If you've ever read "Good to Great" (Jim Collins), you're familiar with what I'm going to say next.
It's time to get the right people on the bus.
I mean, so far, it's awesome being here in Atlanta and learning from the North Point team. But there are 200-some folks working here and just one of me. And in some small way, each one of those jobs needs to be replicated in Jacksonville. We need really sharp people to lead in production, kids & preschool, youth ministry, groups, administration, care, communications, host teams, resources, and more. Other partnership have started with 50-100 volunteers in place. That's a lot of folks to recruit, inspire, train, and manage.
There are some key staff positions that we need to fill in the weeks ahead. Very high on my list are the areas related to family ministry—preschool, kids, middle school, and high school. If you have good leads, tell them to shoot me a resume at rich {dot} barrett {at} northpoint {dot} org.
We'll also need someone on staff to help with administration and coordinating groups. And we'll need lots and lots of volunteers.
Which brings me back to Jim Collins. Whether paid or volunteer, the most important key is to make sure we have the right people. People who clearly understand our mission and direction, and are intensely passionate about leading people into growing relationships with Christ. As you talk about this church with others, keep an eye out for the "right people." We need them!
It takes a team to fulfill a dream. -Rich Warren