Thursday, May 28, 2009

Are You Involved?

Sunday before last Adam Flynt, our pastor for Family Ministry, asked a great question:

"What if your life wasn't about doing more, but about counting for more?"

So often life, and our calendars, seem to run out in front of us, leaving us to run as fast as we can to catch up. We get so busy that we don't stop to be strategic with how we're spending our most important asset: our time.

Adam encouraged us to consider making our lives count for more, and provided the opportunity for us to respond by choosing an area to serve at Access Church—impacting lives for eternity!

More than 40 of you responded immediately and filled out cards on the spot. A few more responded over the next few days, and we're excited for all that can be accomplished with you on our team! Great things are ahead for Access Church!

Watch Adam's message right here:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

This Sunday: He's Still Got the Whole World in His Hands


As a society, we live in a world of uncertainty. Uncertain social conditions. Uncertain economic times. Uncertain global developments. Yet uncertainty is nothing new. The characters in the Bible experienced wildly fluctuating levels of uncertainty—often feeling as if life was moving backwards, getting worse. And the questions remain the same. Where's God? Is he going to show up? Is he still in control?

Join us for the first part of Andy Stanley's series, He's Still Got the Whole World in His Hands, May 24 at Access Church! Here's a sample:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

He's Still Got the Whole World in His Hands

How do we remain hopeful in a world that seems to be hopelessly broken?

How do we continue to trust a God who seems to be conspicuously absent?

How do we maintain peace when the world around us is spinning out of control?

If you have ever asked questions like these, you are not alone. And you are not the first. The Bible is filled with stories of men and women who asked similar questions—people whose circumstances left them questioning God’s faithfulness. His presence. His concern. But in time, these men and women experienced God’s faithfulness.

This Sunday, Andy Stanley will begin a new, three-part series. He'll remind us that God's still got the whole world in his hands. See you there!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


What does it take for God to do something amazing? All the disciples could muster was five loaves and two fish to feed a hungry crowd of over 5000. But this was all that Jesus needed. When you do what you can do and trust God to do what only he can do, the results will be astounding.

So how will you get involved? Join us this Sunday, May 17, at Access Church to explore your options as Adam Flynt presents, involved? See you there!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Wishful Thinking

Imagine if you were a parent and you had an opportunity to share only five wishes for the lives of your children.

What would you say? What would make your "top five" list?

This Sunday, Andy Stanley, as our teaching pastor, will share his five most important hopes and wishes for our lives.

See you Sunday!

Why Worry Concludes with, "Anxiety"

We had a lot of fun kicking off this past Sunday's service with "Anxiety," by The Black-Eyed Peas. Guest-rapper Lamar helped us out and added a ton of energy to the room. It was a great day to be reminded by Andy that we often forget about God's past faithfulness, because we are too concerned with the uncertainty of the future. God's invitation to us every day is to go back - go back and fully engage with the reality of today, trusting that God is more concerned for your tomorrow than you ever need to be.

If you missed it, here's a video to enjoy. Don't miss a special one-part message from Andy this Sunday, "Wishful Thinking." See you soon!