This last session of DRIVE was pretty unreal. Andy scrapped his "Making Vision Stick" talk and just spoke from his heart. He was ON FIRE! Here are a few quotes I grabbed:
"To reach people no one else is reaching, we must do things no one else is doing" —Craig Groshel
300,000 unchurched people within a 10 mile radius of Buckhead Church (170,000 North Point, 35,000 Browns Bridge). I don't want this to ever stop bothering me. The more successful you are, the more you'll feel good about who IS coming instead of who is NOT coming.
"Become preoccupied with who you haven't reached as opposed to those you are trying to keep." —Reggie Joiner
"The next generation product almost never comes from the previous generation." —Al Reis
This is why what some of you are doing is far more important than what we are doing. You have already figured out what the next generation of ministry will look like.
If you are 40-60 you shouldn't have to understand it to fund it.
"Be a student, not a critic."
"What do I believe is impossible to do in my field, but if it could be done would fundamentally change my business?" —Future Edge
_The revolution that video preaching has created, allowing leaders to be separate from communicators.
_Existing (but dying) churches that own real estate need to give it up to new churches that are reaching a new generation
"You have to have both hands up and a blindfold on if we're taking over" (Andy on converting existing churches to our model.)
Pay attention to the people who are breaking the rules. Who has the biggest church in America? Oprah. 3 million people and no parking problems.
"If your staff got kicked out and the board brought in a new team, what would they do? Go do it!" —Andy Grove
What's in decline? Where are we having to manufacture energy?
What would fresh eyes see? What would they set out to do?
"When your memories exceed your dreams, the end is near" —??
This one bothers Andy the most.
Don't let success or momentum overshadow your vision. Keep the vision out in front.
"There has to be something that breaks your heart, that reflects the broken heart of God." —Andy Stanley
And then... this is impossible to convey... you really had to be there. Andy stopped "communicating" and started
preaching."We could give away free gas (referring to the political issues in the news) all summer long and it wouldn't stop one husband from leaving his family. What we have to offer is the most important answer for life's questions." —rough quote from Andy Stanley
Make your plans now for DRIVE '09!