Monday, April 20, 2009

Stephen Colbert: Apologist?

I never thought I'd put those words together, but Stephen Colbert does a pretty good job here of holding his own against yet another critic of the gospels. Clearly, Stephen sees his primary role as that of comic, but nevertheless gets in some pretty good points.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Bart Ehrman
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorNASA Name Contest

If you'd like a really intelligent discussion of these points, go here to order Verdict, a three-part series from Andy Stanley on the validity of the gospel accounts. You can also pick up the DVD at Access Church any Sunday. It's great stuff!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Opener: I Will Rise

We had such a great time celebrating Easter at Access Church last Sunday!

It was great to be with so many of you who were first-time guests, invited by friends, co-workers, and family. It was a fun day!

In case you missed it, I've attached a video of our opening song, with Jeremy Bowser at the piano, backed by Abner and Amanda (Sudano) Ramirez, Charlie Walker, Stacy Jackson, Darin Peckham, Mike VonBalson, and Shane Platten.

Many thanks to the dozens of volunteers who make days like this possible. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This Sunday: Why Worry?

When life results in situations we have not intended, our natural tendency is to worry. We worry about our finances, our relationships, and our health, among other things. Yet does worrying add a single hour to our lives? The stress created by our anxiety may actually subtract a year or so from our life expectancies.

Don't miss the first part of Andy Stanley's series, Why Worry, April 19 at Access Church. Andy will talk about worrying and bring insights on stress-free living that come directly from the pages of Scripture.

Here's a sample:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Why Worry?


It’s universal.

It's as much a part of life as breathing.

Yet Jesus said, “Don’t worry!”

Easier said than done.

In his series, Why Worry, Andy Stanley explores what Jesus had to say about this important topic. You will discover where worry comes from, why it is so difficult to overcome, and what you can do to conquer worry in your life.

Join us for the launch of this three-part series Sunday, April 19, 10:30am, at the University of North Florida. See you there!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Sunday!

Join us Sunday at 10:30am!

Two thousand years ago Jesus lived and walked upon the earth. And despite the fact that he was the most powerful person in the universe, he never played the God card. He never asserted the rights that were inherently his. Instead he did something completely different, and in doing so left us the ultimate example of what powerful people are to do with their power.

This Sunday, Andy Stanley will lead us to examine the example of Jesus Christ and the impact this should have on the way we use power. Join us for Easter Sunday at Access Church! Click here for directions.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Andy Stanley on Fox Business News

Why is it that smart people with admirable life goals often end up far from where they intended to be? Why is it that so many people start out with a clear mental picture of where they want to be relationally, financially, and professionally, and yet years later find themsselves far from their desired destination? Why do our expectations about our own future often go unmet?

What if you knew the answer to those questions? What if there was one simple idea that explained why so many people get lost along the way?

There is. It's called the principle of the path. And not only does it explain the disappointment and regret that characterize the lives of so many, it provides a way for you to be the exception.

Watch as Andy Stanley explains this principle on the Dave Ramsey show:

Part One

Part Two

You can pick up your own copy of The Principle of the Path at Amazon or at Access on a Sunday morning.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Front License Plates

When I bought our truck a couple of years ago, I had quite the negotiating experience with the used-car dealer. When I finally drove off the lot, I'd paid the price I had determined to pay and not a penny more.

And, do you know what they threw in for free? A nice big sticker on the back of the truck with the name of the dealership. Nuh-uh. That came off within the hour. They also included, at no extra charge, a front license plate with their corporate logo. I could remove it, but with the bracket in place it seemed like I should replace it with something meaningful.

This is it: The Official Access Church Front License Plate.

Nothing against auto dealers, but why advertise for them every day when you can let folks in the neighborhood know about Access? And, it's on the front so folks don't see it when you cut them off in traffic. (Not like them fishies.)

Five or six times already, this front license plate has led other people to initiate conversations with me about church and God. Love that. And, since we've been talking about what it means to live out our faith on location, it's pretty cool to see a few of these buzzing around our neighborhood.

You can get yours this week at the information table!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Andy Stanley on FamilyNet TV

North Point TV with Andy Stanley is a 30-minute program featuring a weekly message from Andy Stanley, the senior pastor/founder of North Point Ministries, an established author, and a gifted communicator.

North Point TV begins April 5 at 10:00am on FamilyNet.