Sunday, July 29, 2007

KidVenture This Friday!

Hey kids, if you just finished Kindergarten through Grade 5, you'll want to join us for sure at KidVenture on Friday night!

Remember, this is only for kids who want to get soaking wet, have a ton of fun with their UpStreet friends, and hang out with small group leaders for a couple of hours.

KidVenture will be held at Adventure Landing Waterpark on Beach Boulevard from 6:00-8:00pm. Cost is $5 per student. No transportation is provided. Registration forms are available on-site.

See you there!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

GroupLife Preview Reminder - July 29th @ 6:00pm

Just a quick reminder, area GroupLife Previews will be at 6:00pm this Sunday, July 29th.

Beaches - Brad & Joye Scott
SouthSide - Ben & Audrey Habeck
Singles - Kim Diamon

We will be watching and discussing part 2 of a 5 part series called "The Sinai Code". If you weren't able to make it to last week's group, it's not a problem... We'd love to have you this week. Keep in mind, there is no commitment! It's just a preview of what small groups will be like for Access Church starting this fall. Then again, it's not just a preview, it's a great way to get to know some other people in your area of town. We had over 30 people meeting in Group Life Previews around town last week.

Don't miss out, there's only 3 Group Life Previews left - after this week!

* August 12 (The Sinai Code - Part 3)
* August 26 (The Sinai Code - Part 4)
* September 9 (The Sinai Code - Part 5)

Check out our google map for directions.

No Commitment
No Guilt

No Expectations

Just a fun way to get a taste of what GroupLife is all about!


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What's Our Music Like?

We are frequently asked about the style of music played at Access Church. We love to address the question, because we put a lot of effort into excellence in music. We think the music we play in church ought to relate to the culture in which we live. But, music is a hard thing to talk about. Much better to actually listen and see what you think.

Click here to link to the iTunes Music Store, and an album which features Access worship leaders Todd Fields, Steve Fee, and Michael Gleason.

Listen to the samples, or even purchase the album! Better yet, visit Access Church to hear it live. See you August 5!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Is Louie Giglio really speaking at Access Church?

A week ago I posted an announcement that Louie Giglio would be speaking at Access Church, and it got a lot of interest. Seems that my title was confusing to some. For that I heartily apologize, and I changed the title for that entry. Let me assure you that my intentions were honorable.

Perhaps video church has become so natural to me that I've lost perspective. You see, in my mind Louie Giglio really is speaking at Access Church in August, just like Andy Stanley has really been speaking at Access Church for the past five months. Honestly, I'd rather watch either one of these in a video environment than experience most any other speaker (including myself) live.

So, it's gotten me thinking (and I need your help on this one)... What does it matter? Really, how would church be different for you or me if Louie Giglio or Andy Stanley spoke in person versus on video?

I want your comments on this one. But first, before you do, read this and this to get my perspective on video preaching.

Jump in!


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Get in a Group!

We are such big believers in groups! In fact, if there is one word we would use to describe Access Church, it's "relational."

We actually believe that Sunday services are just the first step to our ultimate goal—being part of a small group with other couples or singles.

Why are we so passionate about this? Well, to quote author & psychologist Larry Crabb, "Lasting life change is the result of truth applied in the context of relationship." So, it's one thing to sit in church and listen to a message that helps us better understand the Bible, but it's a much bigger step to develop relationships with people who are challenging us to apply that message in our daily lives.

Access Church will launch a major campaign to involve everyone in the church in small groups this October. Many of us can't wait! But some of us have never been in a small group, and it sounds a bit intimidating.

So, here's a risk-free trial offer, good for a limited time!

For the next several weeks we are offering two groups for couples and one for singles. Each group will meet on our off-Sundays at 6:00pm. Each group will meet five times. Each group will cover the same material, based on Andy Stanley's series, "The Sinai Code."

Choose a group near you. Commit to it for five sessions, and attend every week that you're in town. Meet some people, study the Bible, and maybe even contribute to the discussion (not necessary).

At the end of the five sessions, you'll have a better idea of what our groups look like and hopefully you'll look forward to our fall launch of community groups as much as the rest of us!

Click here for a Google Map with directions to the group nearest you! Go ahead, click now. The first meeting is this Sunday evening (July 22) at 6:00pm! No registration is neccessary. Just show up!

Groups will meet for about 90 minutes. Childcare reimbursement is provided.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Volunteer Event August 7

I believe there are many things that set Access Church apart from other organizations. For one, we're more concerned with reaching people than keeping people. Other distinctions include our music (absolutely over the top Sunday night, guys!), our kids environments, and our killer staff (have you guys met Adam & Kristen Flynt, yet?).

But what really blows most people away are our volunteers. They rock! Super-sharp people from all walks of life and all ages who are totally committed to the mission of Access Church. In fact, one confided in me that he prefers the music at another church, but he serves at Access because he is committed to reaching people. That's one cool cat.

And, in the past month, we've had 30 new people volunteer to lead people into growing relationships with Jesus Christ. Wow!

That's just what we needed to be able to go to two services. And the timing is perfect. We're filling up the auditorium at 6pm and expect a 40% jump in attendance when we go to Sunday mornings.

To prepare for this transition, we are planning a volunteer training time from 6-9pm August 7.

We will not meet at the UNF Fine Arts Center. Instead, we will meet at the UNF University Center, which is just across the campus, off Kernan Blvd.

Dinner will be provided, and we'll reimburse for babysitting, so you could convince your spouse it's a date!

We'll have time to gather as one large group as well as break out into our specific areas of service. Anyone who is a current or new volunteer is required to attend. (Feel free to recruit a friend!)

This is an important time for us to clarify our goals for the fall and make sure we all know what is expected of us. I look forward to seeing you then!

Click here for directions.

Monday, July 16, 2007

New Series from Louie Giglio

Last night was simply amazing. Danny Dukes led us in an amazing and rockin' worship set, and Andy Stanley wrapped up The Legend of Joe Jacobson.

We only have two more Sundays (August 5 & 19) of evening services before we shift to two morning services. And just in time! You guys are doing such a great job of inviting your friends that we need to add another service to create more room!

In August we'll have a special treat: Louie Giglio delivering his stirring message, Indescribable. You won't want to miss it!

Have you noticed? The heavens are telling the glory of God, and their expanse declares the work of His hands. Night after night they remind us of just how small we are, and how huge God is.

Looking out into the far reaches of the Universe, we find a seemingly infinite expanse of mystery and wonder, intricately fashioned by a God of unfathomable size and power. Just a glimpse of one of the billions of visible galaxies He has formed, resizes us, shrinking us, and the world we call home, to seeming insignificance in an instant. But as tiny as we may seem, the God who knows every star by name also knows yours and mine. And, in the most stunning rescue imaginable, God sent His Son to this spinning planet we call home--the Creator reconnecting us to Himself with life that never ends.

Can't wait to see you on August 5!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Baptism Service at the Beach

Baptism is an incredible step in the life of a believer. It's a symbolic time to identify with Jesus Christ and publicly acknowledge that we place all of our hope in him alone.

Some are intimidated by the idea. Maybe it's the thought of being in front of a group of people dripping wet. Maybe it's the public confession of faith. Some hesitate because they aren't sure what they will say.

Objections aside, it's a clear commandment from our Lord to be aligned with him in this way, and something we strongly urge you to consider as a part of Access Church.

Our first baptism service will be September 23 at Sawgrass Beach Club. It's going to be a beautiful setting to invite family and friends to hear your story of God's great love for you.

We're asking each participant to allow us to film their story, and these stories will be shown during Sunday services following September 23.

Click here to shoot me an email if you are interested in being baptized.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Summer Groups

Are you curious about how you can get to know other people at Access Church, but reluctant to commit to anything?

Over the next couple of months, Access Church will be hosting Group Life Previews in select homes throughout the Jacksonville area. These previews will give you a taste of what community groups at Access are all about. It's an opportunity to gather with 12-20 Access attenders from your part of town and discuss some great stuff about how God wants us to live.

There's no long-term commitment. Each group will meet just five times. It's a great way to check out the environment as you consider signing up for a long-term group in November.

And, here's something really cool for parents to consider: In wrestling with the best way to foster community in our church, we really feel that groups work best meeting in homes. However, that provides a challenge for parents. What to do with the kids? We want you to feel comfortable leaving your children at home with someone you know and trust, so that you can relax and enjoy your time with your group. We've decided to reimburse your expenses for babysitting! Click here to download our childcare reimbursement instructions and form.

Locations are still being finalized, but meeting dates will be:
  • July 22
  • July 29
  • August 12
  • August 26
  • September 9
All groups will begin at 6:00pm and last about 90 minutes. We look forward to seeing you there!


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Jump Start

Our environment for elementary-aged kids is called UpStreet, and it provides a great opportunity for kids to sing fun and worshipful songs, develop a relationship with a small-group leader, and hear stories from the Bible each week.

For a lot of kids, UpStreet also raises some questions: Who was Jesus? Why did he have to die? Is heaven for real? How do I know that God loves me?

We really believe that our mission as a church is not just to answer those questions for kids, but to teach moms & dads how to answer those questions for their kids. One great way we do that is through a step we call Jump Start.

Our first Jump Start will be July 15. It's an opportunity for parents to sit with their kids while we explain the answers to the most foundational questions a child might ask about God, Jesus, and the Bible. We'll talk about why Jesus came to earth, why he died and rose again, and why we're so excited about this truth!

If you'd like to sit with your child as we discuss these issues, please join us for Jump Start at 5:00pm on July 15th. We'll meet in the lower foyer, talk through these issues, and give you and your children an opportunity to respond to the message. It'll be great for your kids, and you might even have a few questions answered yourself!
