We are really excited that a new North Point strategic partner is getting ready to launch in Gainesville, and we’ll have neighbors right down the street.
Anthem Community Church will meet first and third Sundays each month at 10:00am beginning October 5 at
2902 SW 75th St. Anthem will launch with an exciting worship environment for adults and a full lineup of kids’ ministries, from preschool to high school.
The name Anthem was chosen because it means, “a psalm or praise to God.” “Many people aren’t living their lives out loud Monday through Saturday,” said Chad Clemons, Anthem’s lead pastor. “They don’t let the world know what’s happening in their heart. We want to let people know.”
Anthem will meet in a 1980s Baptist church building, which they have completely renovated. “Outside the building looks like a traditional Baptist church, but inside it’s a totally different vibe,” said Derrak Ostovic, Anthem’s service programming director.
Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church in Atlanta is Anthem’s teaching pastor. The messages will be viewed on a center projection screen as well as 13 flat-screen LCD TVs located throughout the viewing area. “After the first minute, you forget that you’re watching the message on video because the content and delivery are so good,” Derrak said.
Andy will begin a series October 5,
Simple, that addresses a mistake the church often makes in teaching that Christian obedience is the first step in the Christian life. This leads many to see Christianity as a rule-based religion. North Point says, “The Scriptures reveal that Jesus' initial invitation is to follow him. He invites us to follow him until we begin believing that he is indeed who he says he is. This belief that God loves us and has the best in store for us, then, becomes the reason we obey.”
Anthem’s launch day comes after three years of a dedicated group of people working toward this goal.
Chad Clemons planted a church in a rural area north of Gainesville in 2001. In 2005 he realized that he had inadvertently planted a traditional church. “We had a great group of people with a passion to reach the unchurched, but passion wasn’t enough,” Chad said. “We needed structure and a plan to move forward.”
That summer Chad learned about the North Point model of ministry. “I saw that the North Point model could help us reach the unchurched the way we had set out to do in 2001,” he said. “We started using the model the best way we knew how.”
In the fall of 2007, Chad began pursuing a partnership with North Point. Soon after, Chad’s church relocated out of the rural area and into Gainesville. They merged with another church that had property and a building, but only about 15 people, and Anthem Community Church was born.
The people of Anthem are excited for the launch, but they’re also keeping their purpose in perspective. “October 5 will come and go, but we’ll still be here working hard to reach the unchurched,” Chad said.
Do you have friends in Gainesville? Encourage them to give Anthem Church a try!