Friday, August 31, 2007

Open Seats at Optimal Times

This weekend is a pretty exciting weekend in the growth of Access Church. We're taking two very important steps at once: moving to morning services, and adding a second service. This is really cool for these reasons:
  1. Studies show that those trying church for the first time are most likely to attend a service on Sunday morning.
  2. We need to have available seating for our guests, and two services insures that everyone can have a seat, with room to grow.
We believe the best way to help people develop a relationship with God is to genuinely invest in them and to invite them to church. We work hard to make our worship services engaging for all people—believers and skeptics alike. This fall we hope to have lots of seats available (we'll offer a third service if necessary) on Sunday mornings. This isn't because we want to become a large church, but because we want to always have room for your friends. And their friends. And their friends.

So, we'll see you at our new service times of 9:30 and 11:15am!

There is one other important note for this Sunday. There will be no UpStreet this weekend. This follows North Point's example of giving our UpStreet volunteers Labor Day weekend off as we gear up for the fall program. Waumba (birth through Pre-K) will be offered at both 9:30 and 11:15am. Beginning September 16, UpStreet will be offered at 11:15am only.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Opportunities

We're about to begin a new chapter in the life of Access Church! These early months have been key to building a base of "involved" people--those who are willing to pray, serve, give, and invite.

The next steps are significant. In the next few months we will
  • begin worshipping in the morning
  • add a second worship service
  • introduce Community Groups for adults & teens
  • kick off Starting Point, an environment for skeptics and new believers
  • hold our first baptism service for all ages
Wow! I'm so excited! Each of these environments represents the opportunity to share an incredible, life-changing message with people we care about. Consider joining us, and think about who else might benefit from these steps toward intimacy with God, community with insiders, and influence with outsiders.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Our staff is headed back to Jacksonville today after three days at North Point learning from the best & brightest about developing irresistible environments designed to encourage people in their growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our meetings were part of n*rich, an annual event for North Point Partner staff teams. This was my second n*rich, and it was amazing to see how much the conference has grown. There are now 12 strategic partners up and running, and three in development. Amazing! Our collective goal is to have 15,000 people in groups at strategic partners by 2010. Wow!

Just as an example of the great content we enjoyed, here are my notes from Andy's farewell talk to the 80 or so attendees:

• The goal isn't video messages, but environments that capture people's
attention and draw them into a relationship with Christ
• I think you can lead and influence an organization by just asking
questions, without ever providing the answers.
• The questions you repeat reinforce your values. People know what's
most important in your organization (and your home) by the questions
you ask.

Here are two questions that hang on my office wall.
  1. What do I believe is impossible to do in my field, but if it could be done would fundamentally change my business? (Andy used to kid, "If I could be in two places at one time..." and now video makes it possible.)
  2. If I got kicked out of our organization and the board brought in a new CEO, what would he do? Why shouldn't I do that myself?
Here are some questions to think about:
  1. Is this something you feel called to do?
  2. Are your relationships (on staff) worth exporting to the rest of the church?
  3. Where are you manufacturing (forcing) energy?
  4. What gauges on the dashboard are you watching? Which ones should you watch?
  5. Where do you make the greatest contribution?
  6. Do you have the right people at the table?
  7. What are you celebrating?
Three things that I consider my primary responsibilities:
  1. Plan
  2. Prepare
  3. Prevent

Great stuff, eh? (for our new Canadian partner, Connexis)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Moving to Mornings!

Wow! Can you believe it??

Access Church has had its last evening service! Our upcoming services will be in the morning on September 2, with Andy Stanley delivering a great message called, "Opened Hands."

Services are still at UNF in the Fine Arts Center, at 9:30am and 11:15am. Waumba Land (birth through pre-K) will be offered at both hours, and UpStreet (K-Grade 5) will be offered at 11:15am only.

We're so stoked to see you all there, especially having missed being with you on August 19. We've just arrived in Atlanta after two weeks in the mountains, and can't wait to get back to Jacksonville later this week.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

GroupLife Preview Reminder

Just a quick reminder that GroupLife Previews will meet this Sunday (August 26) at 6:00pm.

We will be watching and discussing part four of a five-part series called "The Sinai Code." If you weren't able to make it to the last few groups, it's not a problem. We'd love to have you this week. Keep in mind, there is no commitment! It's just a preview of what small groups will be like for Access Church starting this fall. Then again, it's not just a preview. It's a great way to get to know some other people in your area of town. We've had over 30 people meeting in GroupLife Previews around town for the last few weeks.

Don't miss out! There's only one GroupLife Preview left after this week!

August 26–The Sinai Code Part 4
September 9–The Sinai Code Part 5

Check out our Google map for directions.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Andy Stanley and Louie Giglio DVDs Now Available

Next time you're passing our Resource Center, consider picking up a copy of The Legend of Joe Jacobson, Permission to Speak Freely or Indescribable for a friend. These DVDs are a great way to introduce someone to Andy and Louie's powerful, practical teaching.

Audio CDs and books are also available, including the super-cool North Point Live worship CD, which features Access worship leaders Todd Fields, Steve Fee, Mike Gleason and also makes an awesome gift.
