Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who is Andy Stanley?

Have you listened to the Passion Podcast yet, where Andy talks with Louie Giglio about their long-time friendship and shared passion for leading people into a growing relationship with God?

Well, if you're not a podcast person, maybe you'll enjoy this video. Since Andy Stanley is our primary teaching pastor at Access Church, you might enjoy this opportunity to get to know Andy a little better. Beginning this weekend, Andy will be communicating each weekend on FamilyNet television. More info on that soon to come. For today, enjoy this video:

In addition to teaching at Access Church (via video), Andy Stanley is a pastor, communicator, and the founder of North Point Ministries (NPM).

Launched in 1995, North Point Ministries is now one of the fastest growing and most influential Christian organizations in America.

Each Sunday, over 20,000 adults attend services at one of NPM's three campuses in the Atlanta area: North Point Community Church, Browns Bridge Community Church, and Buckhead Church.

Andy is also a best-selling author. His titles include Making Vision Stick, Communicating for a Change, Visioneering, and The Next Generation Leader. Andy and his wife, Sandra, live in Alpharetta, Georgia, with their three children.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Other Eyes Under the Bunk Bed

If you enjoy Andy Stanley and Louie Giglio as they teach at Access Church, you'll enjoy this conversation over at the Passion Podcast where they discuss their long-standing friendship, their passion for the local church, and the questions they both get about Louie planting a church in Atlanta.

Louie says, "I won’t spoil the whole story, but needless to say, my friend Andy and I found friendship out of necessity, but love each other by choice. From Jr. High days to now pastoring churches in the same city, it’s been quite a ride. This past week Andy [Stanley] and I sat down to talk about our paths, our city and the state of the local church. As you know, Andy leads all of North Point Ministries, is an amazing author/speaker/teacher/visionary…and is the best leader I know.

Join me with my special guest and friend for the next few episodes of The Passion Podcast, the first of which is available now. If nothing else, you’ll be encouraged that if God could use us, anything is possible!"

Monday, March 23, 2009

Don't Come to Church!

That's right, don't come to church this Sunday!

Instead, go to the beach, the lake, or the golf course.

That's right, we're encouraging you to use this time to invest in friends, family, neighbors, or co-workers who do not seem to be in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Here are some suggestions:
  • You could invite them to your house for brunch.
  • Have a backyard cookout or pool party.
  • Head to the beach, lake, zoo, or playground together.
  • Play a round of golf (lots of people talk about God there).
  • Play tennis, go on a bike ride, or see a Sunday matinée.
  • Have them over for "cropping."
No limits! Just invest in someone. Pray for them. Ask them questions. Learn their story. Live out your faith.

Please don't use this Sunday to hang out with other Christians, visit another church, do something with your community group, or simply skip town. You have been strategically placed on location in the lives of family, neighbors and co-workers. Don't lose your saltiness!

Oh, and if you do show up at UNF, you might find yourself in the middle of a dance recital for elementary girls. Don't say we didn't warn you!

We'll see you right back here on April 5 for Palm Sunday!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jacksonville Music Project

Charlie Walker and Peter Dearing at Square One

Join the Access family as we enjoy Charlie Walker and Peter Dearing at Square One in San Marco!

They'll be performing familiar covers as well as some of their original music. It'll be a great time to hang out with other people from Access as well as enjoy great music in a lively atmosphere.

Charlie and Peter will begin performing at 8:00pm and wrap up around 9:30 or 10:00pm on Thursday, March 26.

Both are favorites of the Jacksonville music scene and the Access family.

Square One is located at:
1974 San Marco Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL

Attendees must be 21 or older.

For more information, visit:

Charlie Walker
Peter Dearing

Friday, March 20, 2009


Just because I know there's a lot of Chick-Fil-A fans out there reading this blog...

You can see more of Tim Hawkins over here.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Series: Playing God

You have power. As a sister, husband, mother, manager, captain, board member, or friend, you wield power in someone's life. And the way you use that power is a reflection of who you see as the source of that power.

This Sunday, we'll examine with Andy Stanley where all power comes from and the impact that this should have on the way we use it. Join us for the launch of a new series at Access Church, Playing God. Here's a sample:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On Location, Part 4

What a great series this has been for our church! Our community group has had some really thought- and action-provoking discussion about what it means for us to be salt & light in our communities. We really believe we have been placed here strategically by our heavenly father with one primary purpose!

This past Sunday was a great opportunity to wrap up the series by taking a "road trip" around Jacksonville and meeting some of the people that make up Access Church, and learning a little bit about how they live out their faith—especially in the workplace. Have a look. I think you'll be encouraged and challenged by their stories!

Monday, March 16, 2009

GroupLink is This Sunday!

Success at Access Church is defined by how many of us move from large environments into community groups.

At Access, the community group is the best place for sustained life change to occur. In community groups, we study the Bible together and discuss the issues and challenges of life. It’s also where we pray, care for one another, and are missed if we don’t show up.

Practically speaking, there will never be a way for all of us to personally connect with everyone who attends a church the size of Access. That’s why we place such a high premium on group life. It’s how we develop meaningful relationships at Access. To find out more about community groups we encourage you to join us at our next GroupLink, March 22, 4:30pm.

Click here to register and get directions.

What if I can't make it?
The success of GroupLink depends on everyone's participation. The best groups start strong when everyone is present at GroupLink. If you cannot make it to the upcoming GroupLink, please contact me directly via email. Our next GroupLink isn't until August.

What happens at GroupLink?
You will be greeted by a facilitator who will direct you to a part of the room based on your stage of life. Dessert and coffee will be served while you meet others with whom you could potentially be in a group.
After meeting with the other people in your stage of life and perhaps even your area of town, we will form groups. With your new community group, you will watch a short video and spend some time getting to know each other.

Is childcare provided at GroupLink?
Childcare is not provided, but we do reimburse (at a predetermined rate) for babysitters needed in order to attend the GroupLink event. Childcare reimbursement forms are provided at GroupLink.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Road Trip

I'm pretty excited to be speaking at Access tomorrow, and sharing stories of some real-life Accessibles here in in Jacksonville that are living out their faith in the marketplace.

Here's a sneak peak at my notes for tomorrow. Can you see where we're going with this? Salt. Light. Faith at Work.


Yeah, we'll be talking about that one a lot. It's not about us. It's about the people God has strategically placed in our path.

Can't wait to worship with you tomorrow, and go on a Road Trip together!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Playing God

Have you ever taken a moment to think about how much power you have?

Even if you're not a world leader, you have power over family members, co-workers, neighbors, or even strangers. The question is: what will you do with that power? Will you leverage it for good? Or will you fall under its subtle spell?

Andy Stanley will help us answer this question in a new series, Playing God, starting March 22 at Access Church. Mark your calendar!

Are You At Home?

Stephanie and I moved to Jacksonville with no family here and no long-standing friendships. And now, two-and-a-half-years later, we call this town home. No question about it.

That's because of what God's done in our hearts through Access Church, and more specifically, through our community group.

Community Groups are the heartbeat of Access Church. You see, we believe that no matter how big a church gets, it can still stay "small" in the most important ways if we gather around the kitchen table, look each other in the eye, and do life together.

Doing life alone is no fun, and it's not healthy.

Your chance to get into a group is right around the corner! Our next GroupLink is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, March 22.

You might be feeling a little awkward about GroupLink. I can't promise that you're not going to have a moment on Sunday afternoon when you feel a little bit like a middle-schooler. But, it's worth it! I promise!

Being in a group is essential. If you're single, it keeps you grounded, keeps you connected to others who "get it," and who understand the joys and frustrations of your stage of life. If you're married, it's a healthy chance for you and your spouse to talk through life with other couples and learn from each other.

If you're a skeptic, it could be a great chance for you to ask more questions and to hear the questions believers ask behind closed doors. If you're a believer, it's a chance to study God's word and really go deep—in application as well as increased knowledge.

Isn't it time to have a place to call home?

Click here to register now and get directions.

March 22, 4:30pm. See you there!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Daylight Savings!

Don't forget! Tomorrow is that potentially-embarrassing Sunday when, if you're not careful, you walk into church an hour late. Ouch.

So, set your clocks forward, and look forward to the warm weather this is sure to bring our way.

Free tip: You don't have to stay up until 2:00am for the official start of DST. In fact, I set my clocks ahead the night before. Yes, I know—cheating. Don't tell anyone!

See you at 10:30am!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Night of Worship - March 12

Access volunteers are the best! Always showing up early and staying late, and putting time in during the week to plan irresistible environments for our guests.

One way we want to say thank you this spring is to host a Night of Worship. No kids environments. No set-up and tear-down. Just book a babysitter and join us for an extended time of worship through music and communion.

Brit Jones will be on hand to lead us in worship. This experience will begin at 7:00pm on Thursday, March 12, and childcare will not be provided.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Bit Market

Below is a useful case study I came across on Dave Smith's blog. Dave got it from Greg Teselle, and who knows where Greg found it. Nevertheless, it's extremely provocative for the church:
In management circles the story is often told of the CEO who took over a 100-year-old company manufacturing drill bits, which was floundering for a decade. The vice president for marketing, wanting to impress the new chief, brought to their first meeting elaborate color charts illustrating the “bit market”—detailing the total market for bits, the company’s market share to date, and potential for increasing market share of the “bit market."

When the laborious presentation finally ended, all eyes turned to the new CEO who changed the mind set of the company with one dismissive comment, “Sorry, there is no market for bits. The market is for holes.” Pausing for a few moments for the thought to sink in, the CEO then stood to his feet and dismissed the meeting.

As a result of that single meeting, and the dramatic way the new CEO introduced a new style of thinking, from then on the company would look for “ways to make holes” not for how to better manufacture drill bits. The customer needs drill bits only so long as bits are the best way to make holes. The moment a laser device arrives which makes a hole better, cleaner, safer and cheaper, drill bits will go the way of the horse and carriage. It is focusing on the ends and not the means.

“The market is for holes” applies to churches too (which sometimes think like 100-year-old companies). Face it, there’s absolutely no “market” for Sunday school, morning services, Sunday night carry-in dinners, Tuesday evening calling programs, or Habitat for Humanity. The market is for holes: discipleship, worship, fellowship, evangelism, and service. As soon as something makes a better “hole” than Sunday school, we should unleash it to accomplish discipleship. When someone invents a better way to have collective worship, we can dump Sunday morning services. Same with fellowship, evangelism, and service.

But what is instructive about this model is how it causes us to ask of everything we do, “What is the hole?” And, “Is there a better way to make it?” “Bit market” calls us to examine everything we do, to state it’s purpose, and to ask if there is a better way to do it.
We had a great discussion on this article in staff last week. What do you think? What are the "holes," and what are merely bits that can be replaced as culture changes?

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Who's in Your Dryer?

In our early years, when life is changing and new experiences await us at every turn, purpose usually doesn't show up on our radar. We're much more concerned with who, what, and where to stop and consider the why. But at some point this question rises to the forefront, often due to discontentment with the rut of later life. So why are we here? As we look for the answer to the question of purpose, we'll look to Jesus to shed some light on the matter.

This week is part 3 of, "On Location," and Andy Stanley is going to lead us through Matthew 5, and what it means to be a light in our world.

See you Sunday!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Two Years! Awesome Celebration!

What a fun day! If you couldn't be at Access Church yesterday, I'm truly sorry. We had a great time remembering God's goodness, celebrating what God might have in store for us, and focusing on his purpose for where we are right now.

Tenth Avenue North led worship, which was followed by an amazing cookout (Thank you, Loop!) with live music by Lou Rubino from Storyside B and inflatables for the kids. And the weather cleared just in time to give us a beautiful (if a bit chilly) day.

Thank you so much for celebrating with us yesterday, but most of all for the last two years. God is doing incredible stuff!