Thursday, July 30, 2009

Keith & Katie

What does it really look like to be in a community group?

Not just the weeknight-meeting, what does it really look like to be a part of each other's lives?

Allow Keith & Katie to share their story.

(Embedded flash video requires RSS and Facebook readers to view original post at )

Your chance to join a community group is coming up August 16, at 4:30pm. Lots of couples and singles who want to be part of a community group will meet for GroupLink. You can register online today!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just for Fun - More Sling Shot Videos

Just before we left Daytona Beach, we made one more quick stop at the Sling Shot. The operator made us a deal we couldn't refuse, and, well... Here you go:

(Facebook and RSS readers, this will be worth clicking through to the original post to see the videos!)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Andy on Groups

Have you ever wondered how important groups are to Andy Stanley?

I mean, perhaps "groups" are just one of those things he gives lip service to, right? Umm, no.

Andy is passionate about groups—for all ages. In fact, community groups are the very foundation of our churches. Listen as Andy explains:

(Embedded flash video requires RSS and Facebook readers to view original post at

Your chance to join a community group is coming up August 16, at 4:30pm. Lots of couples and singles who want to be part of a community group will meet for GroupLink. You can register online today!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I'm at BigStuf Camp in Daytona Beach this week with our middle- and high-school students from Access Church. What a fun group of kids! It has been so cool to hang with them and watch as they open their hearts to what Jesus wants to say to them this week. Already we've seen dramatic impact. One student gave his life to God for the first time yesterday!

Others are learning important lessons about everything from money management to (giggle) the opposite gender. Ahh, how I've missed student ministry. They live life with such intensity!

The sessions have been amazing and practical. Awesome worship leaders and incredible speakers (Andy Stanley has been the crowd favorite so far!). David Jackson has been driving down from Jax every day after work so that he can be here with his middle-school boys and lead their small-group discussion in the evenings! U-N-R-E-A-L!!

Gotta have some time for fun, also. Here are a couple of video clips of the "Slingshot," which launches students on a gigantic bungee 365 feet into the air, only to have them freefall back to earth at 100mph. You'll have to watch to see if your student was one of the brave ones!

(Facebook and RSS readers, this will be worth clicking through to the original post to see the videos!)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Labor Day Retreat

We're saving a spot for you on the Labor Day Retreat! On September 4, we're going to load up and head to Destin, and you'll want to be with us.

The Labor Day Retreat is a time-honored tradition at North Point Community Church, and features incredible times of worship, challenging speakers, and near-unlimited opportunities for recreation.

Registration closes July 27, so here's what you need to do, NOW:

1. Visit this web site to see if you can possibly handle the pain and torment of missing such an event!
2. Attend the informative meeting, right after Sunday's service (July 19).
3. Send Ashley an email with all your questions. All of 'em. She looovves questions!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Extreme Makeover House for Sale

Our family gets choked up every time we watch Extreme Home Makeover. Each episode tells a powerful story of a family overcoming difficulty, and a community that rises to help. That generosity and love speaks loudly, and causes me to want to be more generous.

But what happens when a family decides that the best move for the family would be to sell their new home?

The Hassalls are one of these families. Three years ago, the Extreme Home Makeover team traveled to Cynthiana, Kentucky to convert their house into a beautiful dream home. But after a lot of prayer, the family has made a huge decision.

The Hassalls are selling their home to become debt free! They set this goal of debt freedom while going through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at their church. While some people are up-in-arms about their decision, many others are amazed by their prayerful sacrifice and determination to do what's best for their family with two adopted children, one with special needs. What do you think? Would you be willing to give up your dream house to gain financial freedom?

You can read the full story here.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

New Leaders Getting Plugged IN!

Perhaps in the last couple of weeks you've noticed some new faces serving at Access Church.

It's always great to see new folks getting plugged in. Strategic service allows you to not only further the mission of the organization, but connect to others and honor God with your time. Just in the past few weeks:
  • 10 people started on Host Team, greeting us and making everyone feel welcomed at Access!
  • 7 new people have decided to invest in the lives of elementary students by helping create an irresistible UpStreet!
  • 7 more people will create environments out of thin air (and versa panel) once a month on the Environment Team!
  • 8 people have begun loving on babies and pre-schoolers in Waumba Land and teaching them from their first steps that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever.
  • 4 more signed up to invest in the lives of the kids of volunteers—while we're serving! How great is that?
There are even more volunteers "on deck," getting the training to step in and serve in these areas and more. We are so grateful to all of you who are getting involved!

Feeling left out? There's still time to jump in before the fall season is underway! Click here to email Zoie right now!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Marriage By Design

Join us this weekend as we begin a new series with guest speaker, Voddie Baucham. Voddie will spend three weeks addressing the question, "For what was marriage designed?"

It will be a challenging, refreshing, and educational series. See you there!

Here's a sample:

Monday, July 06, 2009

BigStuf - Have You Registered?

Seriously? You haven't registered yet??

Oh, you're too old. Bummer. Because if you were between grades 6-12, you'd be eligible for an awesome week in Daytona Beach! But, you'd have to register...RIGHT NOW!

If you know anyone who would love this—Let me clarify, if you know anyone between 12 and 18 with a pulse—Tell them to sign up right now!

Contact Brian Reese for more info. You so do not want to miss this!

Oh, and grown-ups—don't worry. Our turn comes in October.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Access Singles Retreat

Join hundreds of singles from Jacksonville and Atlanta for this year's Labor Day Retreat, to be held in Destin, FL. It'll be the highlight of your summer!

More details are available here. Hurry! Registration ends July 27th.

Thursday, July 02, 2009


Over the past two years, some incredibly talented musicians have come alongside Access Church and helped us achieve our goal of creating irresistible environments. We are so grateful, not only for their skill, but for genuine hearts that lead us in powerful moments of worship and reflection.

Recently, Amanda Ramirez led us through one of those times of reflection at the conclusion of Andy Stanley's message, "Looking Ahead." Enjoy.

You can watch the message online right here.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

BigStuf—Register Now!

It's almost time for our students to take a little trip down to Daytona to enjoy BigStuf Camp!

Now, if you're thinking, "Seen one camp, seen them all," you've never had any experience with the creative minds behind BigStuf! There's gonna be great speakers (anybody ever heard of Andy Stanley?), crazy fun stuff, and incredibly energetic and engaging worship.

Here's a sample:

The great news is that Steve Fee and his band are going to be back this year! But you'd better contact Brian and register soon. BigStuf is already 91% full!

BigStuf Camp is July 20-24 in Daytona Beach and open to those finishing grades 5-12.