Friday, October 31, 2008

Get Out and Vote!

I've talked to a few people in recent days who are still unsure as to who they will vote for.

Please... don't go to the polls uneducated—and don't let your lack of clarity keep you from voting. Every vote makes a difference!

We certainly won't tell you who to vote for—that's a very personal decision. Like every other election, this is a time to vote based on the issues you feel are important and the positions you agree with. But, how to see through all the smoke of political ads and half-truths?

The best web site I've found to help is You choose which issues matter most to you and then agree/disagree with a series of position statements. At the end of the quiz, the web site tells you which candidate most closely agrees with your convictions.

Give it a shot and tell me if you found it helpful!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Are We LO$T?

Do you know if your neighbor is behind on his mortgage?

Is it possible your brother-in-law is about to lose his business?

The headlines of the last few weeks have been clear. Our country is
financially lost. Does the Bible offer any solution relevant for today's

This Sunday we begin a new series, and examine what Jesus had to say about
money. You might be surprised to learn that he said quite a lot about
money—but relax, he never asked people for their money!

The answers aren't easy, but change is possible.

November 2, 9:00am & 10:30am, at UNF. (Don't forget to set your clocks back.)

Click here for more information.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Learning to Share

A while back I heard a message from Bob Coy, pastor of Calvary Chapel in Fort Lauderdale. Today I came across my notes and felt they were worth sharing:

If the world's population were boiled down to 100 people:

30 know Jesus, 70 don't
30 white, 70 other
51 women, 49 men
80 live without running water, electricity, or a roof over their head
50 are malnourished, eating one meal a day or less
70 cannot read
1 is dying right now
6 of the 100 live in the US and own more than half of all wealth

If you are the dad of the dying kid, wouldn't you look across the aisle at the 6 people that have it all and ask them to share?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

GroupLink—This Sunday!

Fast-forward one year from now.

Who are you doing life with?

Who is encouraging you to be more like Christ?

Who is celebrating your joys with you, and mourning your losses?

Who is praying for you and those you love?

If you hesitated, even just a little, you should join us for GroupLink this Sunday.

If you've been attending Access for a while, but have yet to jump into a Community Group, your time is here!

Community Groups are the heartbeat of Access Church. You see, we believe that no matter how big a church gets, it can still stay "small" in the most important ways if we gather around the kitchen table, look each other in the eye, and do life together.

Sunday mornings are great, but they are such a small slice of what we believe the church should be. Groups are where it all comes to life!

GroupLink is your chance to get into a group this fall. Don't miss it!

This Sunday, October 19, 4:30pm, at UNF.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Three Voices to Consider

We got back late Friday from Catalyst Conference in Atlanta. I don't know when I'll have time to post some of my thoughts from the individual sessions, but I can tell you it was a powerful time for both Stephanie and me. Very encouraging and incredibly stretching.

Three men in particular brought powerful messages to the event. They're worth hearing more from. Have a listen:

Craig Groeshel
Matt Chandler
Steven Furtick

Catalyst attenders, who would you add?

Friday, October 03, 2008

Upcoming Worship Leaders

One of my favorite things about Access Church is the music. Our relationship with North Point allows us to share some of the most talented singers and songwriters in the world.

You really should take the time to meet them after the service. These men & women love God passionately and put a lot of effort into preparing for each worship service, with a goal of engaging people and honoring God.

Here are a few of the worship leaders visiting Access in the next few months:

Steve Collom
Rudy Vaughn
Trey McKnight
Danny Dukes
Moxie Davis
James David Carter
Chrystina Fincher
Michael Johnston
Michael Olson
Tenth Avenue North

Wow! I get excited just typing the list! Can't wait to worship alongside you, every Sunday this fall!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Family Times Virtue Pack

It's October, which means a new virtue in UpStreet!

Virtues are an awesome way to teach Godly principles to our children both at church and at home. At church, we use crazy characters like "Zack Attack," creative video elements, rockin' tunes, and hip small-group leaders. How do you compete with that at home? And how do you remind your child all week long of the current virtue?

Virtue Packs!

If you need help understanding virtue packs, here is one of our worship leaders, Chrystina Fincher, with her son Holden, to explain:

Virtue Packs are available for purchase each Sunday at the Resource Center.